اللغة العربية

Dear Parents,

I am pleased to welcome you back to the 2021-2022 school year! I would like to extend a special welcome to all of the new families joining CCIS this year and a warm welcome back to all of our returning families as well!

Our goal at Creative Children International School is to work together to provide our students with a rich learning environment. My vision, as the principal, is to always put students’ interest at first by making sure that all their needs are met through their IEPs. At CCIS, we believe on the important role that the assessments play in the construction of solid IEPs. Our educators use reliable assessments to discover how each student learns so that they can differentiate the instruction to support his/her diverse learning styles.

At CCIS we also believe in educating the child, not simply delivering the curriculum. Our qualified staff always aim to offer education with a holistic perspective that ensures the overall development of each student.


What makes CCIS different?

CCIS provides a welcoming, accepting, safe and supporting environment that has a ‘family feel’. Many children who have previously ‘fallen through the gaps’ of schooling have excelled in the environment unique to our school.

CCIS believes in the student’s hidden potential regardless of the IQ or disability.

CCIS is a preparatory environment that prepares the students to be ready for their next step in their education by either joining mainstream, inclusion or vocational programs.

I trust you will enjoy reading about us to know more about our curriculum and programs. I also thank you for visiting our website and should you have any concerns, kindly do not hesitate to contact me through the following email: principal@ccis-kuwait.com  


Mrs. Karima Ibrahim Zaidane
