اللغة العربية


CCIS delivers international education through its curriculum “Common Core Essential Elements”. The curriculum offers international standards specially modified for special needs students that allow them to meet the grade expectations.

Brigance Standardized Test

In order to assure better accuracy in the students’ assessments, CCIS adopts the “BRIGANCE STANDERDIZED TEST” which is a powerful assessment tool as well as curriculum for students between age 7 and 18 years. This helps educators develop PLOP (present level of performance), goals and objectives for IEP, guided instructional planning, monitor progress, understand delays, disabilities, giftedness, and other exceptionalities.

Support programs


The Montessori Method of education provides a nurturing, supportive environment for children of all abilities and learning styles. This includes learning differences in reading, writing, spelling and/or math, ADHD and mild-to-moderate autism spectrum disorders. The program provides the students with a variety of tools and strategies to help them easily understand and learn concepts in order to meet age-appropriate milestones.


CCIS provides specialized programs such as TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children) and CCIS provides specialized programs such as TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children) and Handwriting Without Tears for students, depending on their functional abilities.

Unit Wise Classes

  • Red Unit

    Red Unit program is tailored to meet students who are in need for physical, language, academic and cognitive development. In this program, students follow a modified academic curriculum and a life-skills program. The Red Unit targets the subjects that help students to improve their receptive, expressive, social, emotional, practical, gross and fine motor skills in order to facilitate their merge in society and ease daily living. In addition, the academic program provides students with the basic academic skills that they may use as a foundation for the next level.

    • Head Of Unit-Ms.Elissar Badran

    • Curriculum Red Unit Teachers


    Yellow Unit

    Yellow Unit program is tailored to meet students who are in need for pre-vocational skills. In this program, students follow a modified academic curriculum and a pre-vocational and life-skills program. The Yellow Unit targets the subjects that help students to improve their social and practical skills in order to facilitate their merge in society and life. In addition, the academic program provides students with the basic academic skills needed for their vocational training.

    • Head Of Unit - Ms.Mona Saadi

    • Teachers

    Blue unit

    Blue unit provides a tailored learning environment where The Children will be sure to receive an education designed just for them. Through tailored learning, on the other hand, students get the individual attention that they need to ensure that they fully understand each concept before they move on to the next one. As a result, learning frustration is decreased and progress is achieved easier at a rate that is appropriate for the students’ abilities. Not only that, by providing students with the foundation they need, we’re able to give them higher levels of confidence in themselves and their academic abilities.

    Furthermore, Blue Unit students have also the opportunity to fully explore their areas of strength as they are moving forward with their learning goals. While the students still need to focus on all of their core subjects, they can also explore areas of study within each of those core areas that are of particular interest to them. Opting for such a tailored learning environment, , students acquire the tools needed to overcome their weaknesses.

    Not only will they be able to learn how to accomplish their educational goals in spite of those weaknesses, but they’ll also be able to figure out how to overcome them–and in many cases, even turn those weaknesses into strengths! And that’s where they become ready to merge into main stream schools through inclusion.

    • Head Of Unit - Ms. Leena Rahi

    • Teachers

  • Morning Assembly

    The academic staff prepare interesting, engaging, and meaningful activities for the children targeting to improve social interaction. These activities are done once a week by each unit and all the classes of the units come together to participate on their designated days. The children look forward for the morning assembly days as it’s always a time filled with fun, and they get to take back a healthy goody bag.


    Prevocational and Life skill Activities

    The children are trained in simple prevocational activities like jewelry making, fabric painting etc. The children are given an experience of life skill activities such as cooking where they are given an experience of putting together simple snacks with help of the teachers. They are involved in getting the ingredients ready and the materials needed to make and serve. Herein the planning, organization and decision-making skills are enhanced.